Policies & Requests

When there is an illness…

When there is a death…
Family members of New Hope Baptist Church current, active members should call the church immediately when a death occurs. The Pastor or Deacons will quickly visit the hospital, home or funeral home as needed and offer support. The church administrator will work with the family to plan for an appropriate service of worship.

When you have a prayer request…
Prayer requests can be made through the bulletin insert during Sunday worship, by clicking here or calling the church office at (616) 452-4278. For those marked “pastor only,” these concerns are offered up in prayer at the church’s pastoral team meeting.

When someone is homebound or in a nursing home or other care facility…
Our deacons will visit persons who are homebound or in a care facility. While the Pastors is available to visit homebound persons and nursing home residents, due to his extensive schedule, we may suggest those who can benefit from more frequent contacts be assigned to one of our Congregational Care Givers. Communion will be brought to those unable to receive it in the congregation if they are on our sick & shut-in list.
If you have a pastoral need that is not addressed, please click here or call the church office at (616) 452-4278.