We we believe that ministry defines the essence of who we are. That's why we place a heavy emphasis on our ministires. We believe that we exist not for ourselves, but as an extension of God; we are now the physical presence of Jesus Christ in the world.
We define ourselves faithful service to the needs of humanity. Educating, equipping, and empowering are the three ministry imperatives that drive all of our activity. It is our prayer that every member of New Hope is a working member.
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The BERT team is responsible for assuring that the building and facilities are secure. They are also ready to respond to any emergency situation that arises.
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Contact us to find out more about our Building Emergency and Response Team. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

The Drama ministry brings the bible and history to life through realistic interpretations. Because of our work, those who are in attendance gain are able to appreciate the things we are taught from a different lens.
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Contact us to find out more about our Drama ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in the subject.

“…and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:27-28
Behind the scenes. That’s what comes to mind when you think about the Decorations & Logistics Ministry. Serving the New Hope family, including it’s ministries and committees, this ministry: Ensures the beautification of the sanctuary with floral and other accents Serves as a full service decoration staff for church wide events Assists ministries with decoration ideas and supplies for events Sets up table and chairs for special internal and external New Hope events.
The Decorations & Logistics Ministry’s main activities include:
• Acquiring and maintaining all decorative elements of the church
• Setting up and decorating all church-wide sponsored events
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Contact us to find out more about our Decorations and Logistics ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

The Financial Counseling Ministry helps people with financial concerns by providing financial literacy and financial wisdom.
Financial Freedom, Wisdom & Literacy
Start here to learn how you can get connected to this confidential service provided to New Hope members.

Whether it’s the New Member’s breakfast, a Sunday Saints snack, or a meal at a special event, we have many opportunities to enjoy great food at New Hope. And great food is made by great cooks. These talented cooks and other volunteers are part of our food services team.
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Contact us to find out more about our Food Services ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

The Journey Counseling Center serves God’s people by engaging them in the counseling process from a holistic perspective taking into consideration all aspects of their lives, to help with issues that may hinder them from reaching their full potential.
Get Started Confidentially
Services include: Individual, couple and family counseling Personal issues Interpersonal issues Identity issues Bereavement, grief, and loss Substance abuse Vocational issues

The Marriage ministry exists to nurture the health of the marriages of New Hope Baptist Church and to prepare engaged couples for marriage.
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Contact us to find out more about our Marriage ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” ~ Romans 10:17
Ministry’s Purpose: Amplify worship services and special events through traditional and emerging audio/visual technology.
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Contact us to find out more about our Media ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” ~ Proverbs 27:17 NIV
Ministry’s Purpose: Provide opportunities for men to develop their spiritual gifts in ways that give glory and honor to God.
Main Activities: Annual Men’s Conference, discipleship, evangelism, fellowship, ministry worship activities, monthly Man Cave fellowship.
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Contact us to find out more about our Men’s ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

Make a joyful noise onto the Lord all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good: His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generation. ~ Psalm 100 Ministry’s Purpose: Our mission is to lift up the name of the Lord in song, reach out to His people in fellowship, and live our lives in accordance to the word of God. Our primary purpose in the ministry of music is to follow Christ. Secondly, we are to bring forth the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the ministry of song. We believe God expects us to minister to His people in harmonies that touch souls and inspire those who may be searching to find the narrow way. We acknowledge that God wants us to be a light and a shining example for others to see the benefit in serving a true and living God.
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Contact us to find out more about our Music ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

The New Members Ministry endeavors to greet and orientate new members in the doctrines of the Church body of Christ with Christian love, enthusiasm, knowledge, and excellence.
Our purpose is- “To prepare God’s People for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:12.
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Contact us to find out more about our New Members ministry.

This ministry serves the New Hope family by administering the R.W. Hamilton and J.V. Williams scholarship funds. They sponsor activities to promote academic achievement and work in conjunction with the Youth & Children’s Ministry on educational initiatives.
They also support continuing and higher education initiatives for adults.
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Contact us to find out more about our Pathways to Education ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
~ Matthew 25:36
Ministry’s Purpose: To educate, train, support, and pray with prisoners and their families on applying biblical principles in every day life and to assist prisoners and their families with aftercare and transitional needs. Whom does this Ministry Serve? Prisoners and their families, children, community, and churches
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Contact us to find out more about our Prison ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with the Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:3
Ministry’s Purpose: * Help promote New Hope’s activities * Help foster fellowship and goodwill among members * Hosts annual Ministry Fair in conjunction with Church Anniversary in October
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Contact us to find out more about our Public Relations ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” ~ Matthew 9:37-38
The Senior Mission seeks to acquaint the church body with what the world needs and to accept the call to mission. Once the love of God takes over in a believer’s life, that person becomes sensitized to the need of sharing it with others.
Our main activities are: Study God’s word so we will be prepared to show others we are servants of God that they may see God’s love in us.
Pray for our church and others Carry God’s word into our homes, neighborhoods, and wherever we go.
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Contact us to find out more about our Senior Mission. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

The New Hope Baptist Church Transportation Ministry is a ministry designed to provide shuttle service to members of the church and the broader community to and from Sunday worship services.
Do you need a ride to church on Sundays for Sunday School or worship service?
Please call the church office no later than 5:00 p.m. Thursday.
With our church shuttle service, we will gladly pick you up for Sunday morning worship and return you home. We also have handicap accessible vans available.
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Contact us to find out more about our Transportation ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

The Word of God teaches the value of making yourself available to be a ‘doorkeeper in the house of the Lord’.
The Usher and Hospitality ministries make every attempt to help them feel welcome and at ease.
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Contact us to find out more about our Usher and Hospitality ministry.

So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” ~ Romans 12:5
Our Women’s Ministries work to create an atmosphere where women can realize spiritual maturity and fellowship, and minister in the local church, their community and the world.
Ministry’s Purpose: To give holistic service, informative workshops, speakers, community networking, and fellowship activities.
To encourage participation of the women of New Hope. To inspire women to use their gifts, talents, and finances for the edification of God’s Kingdom Main Activities: Women’s Weekend Various Support Activities.
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Contact us to find out more about our Women’s ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” ~ Psalm 68:5
The Women of Encouragement (Widows Ministry) at New Hope Baptist Church is a community of vibrant, active women who come together with a common bond to support, love and encourage one another. They warmly welcome newcomers of all ages and stages.
If you are a widow, we encourage you to let Widows Ministry help you put the pieces back together and begin discovering a fresh new vision for your life.
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Contact us to find out more about our Women of Encouragement ministry. Please include the name of the ministry in your message.